AS-122 | AS-152 | NF-181 | VS8-90 | VS8-120 | VS8-215
St. John’s United Methodist Church was built in the 1960’s. It served the residents of Texas City, TX and nearby communities for 49 years until September 10, 2009, when the church was destroyed in a devas- tating fire. Firefighters from several neighboring towns were called into service to battle the blaze that burned continuously through the night. By the next morning, St. John’s had been reduced to ashes. After 3 years of worshipping in temporary locations, a rebuilt St. John’s UMC rose from the ashes on a new site. Their first service was held on March 25, 2012.
Installation of the audio and video systems throughout the sanctuary, children’s center and youth center was awarded to Don Sneed of Commercial Sound Services. OAP Audio of Buford, GA collaborated with Commercial Sound Services to create a concert level system specifically designed for St. John’s new home.
AUDIO: The OAP Audio VS8-Compact Line Array System was used for the sanctuary’s mains, consisting of OAP VS-90 (90 degree) and VS8-120 (120 degree ) Dual 8” 3-Way Mid-High modules with independently flown VS8-215 Dual 15” Subs. Another particularly great feature of the OAP VS8-Compact Line Array System is the aesthetically designed removable decorative side panels which totally conceal all the proprietary hardware from view.
OAP AS-122 Asymmetrical 12” 2-Way systems were flown horizontally for Choir monitors. OAP SM-112 12” 2-Way monitors providing coverage for the stage.
Audio in The Foundry Children’s Center is provided by OAP NF-181 8” 2-Way Near-Field systems.